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a BIM steel structure solution benchmarking project high-profile broken cocoon into a butterfly
Guangzhou steel structure - a BIM steel structure solution benchmarking project high-profile broken cocoon into a butterfly "Steel structure residence industrialization experts BBS" was held in Beijing. The BBS by the construction committee, the Chi...
(construction new normal steel instead of reinforced concrete construction
Guangzhou steel structure (construction new normal steel instead of reinforced concrete construction   Guangzhou steel structure: steel structure residence industrialization experts BBS held in Beijing. BBS by the Chinese city of scientific re...
eel construction just ahead of Hengqin cap
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel construction just ahead of Hengqin cap Hengqin only steel construction - Liancheng capped ahead of India Guangzhou Steel News: Hengqin only steel construction Liancheng early printed cap, this high 200 m of new landm...
Guangzhou Steel News: "Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Tall Buildings" bulletin     Residential Urban-Rural Development Ministry of publishing industry norm "Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Tall Buil...
Guangzhou Steel News: Houhai museum exhibition plan released
Guangzhou Steel News: Houhai museum exhibition plan released       Recently, after the sea center located in Nanshan district of China's first steel theme Museum - Museum of Chinese construction steel showcasing plan offici...
a large steel commonly used protection methods
Guangzhou Steel tells you: a large steel commonly used protection methods           Zinc, aluminum and steel constitute a negative potential sacrificial anode to maintain the role of basic iron and s...
FILLED president of China's steel association
Guangzhou Steel news: FILLED president of China's steel association     Seventh Congress of China's steel association held in Jinan, voted for the president of the country FILLED Steel Association, Zhou Xu, vice president of human red 29...
steel structure can have a career
Guangzhou Steel News: steel structure can have a career    According to the Guangzhou Steel reports, "'Thirteen Five' is the key stages of building a moderately prosperous society, during which the steel construction market, opportuni...
Quality and efficiency in the launch of a new
Quality and efficiency in the launch of a new "Steel demand" in Crack conduct problems in the steel industry, we must resolve the overcapacity contradictions. According to expert estimates, at present China's crude steel production capacity of at le...
National Quality Inspection Center Seminars steel grid technology
National Quality Inspection Center Seminars steel grid technology  Recently, the State Quality Inspection Center Deputy Director grid, Engineering Wang Hao was invited to participate in the construction of the Jiangsu Steel Concrete Association...
Steel curtain wall construction and process all-glass structures
Steel curtain wall construction and process all-glass structures   Installation of Guangzhou Steel full glass curtain wall is a multi-joint construction trades, the process is complex and requires very sophisticated operation also needs to act...
Industrial construction, the steel hand subsequent impact of BIM
Industrial construction, the steel hand subsequent impact of BIM BIM skills to make full use of the status of the construction project at times, participate in the project's decision-making and planning, decision-making power and the progress of pla...
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Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結(jié)構(gòu)有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號
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