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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
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  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://jbpfund.com
Safety inspection and appraisal of steel structure interlayer load
The construction of steel structures is different from the construction of ordinary reinforced concrete, and the requirements for stability are higher. According to incomplete statistics, there are 9 steel structures out of 10 buildings in the past d...
Control of welding process elements in steel structure design engineering
The steel structure planning project has extremely high strength, and better construction effect can be achieved when the plant floor is higher or the span is larger. However, many actual constructors in our country know little about the steel struct...
Anticorrosion Treatment of Steel Members in Steel Structure Workshop
Today's air environment is poor, which is a test for steel structure construction, especially for steel structure construction that has been outdoors for a long time. Steel structure workshop is a kind of steel structure construction, which is widely...
Problems needing attention in the process of steel structure construction
The steel structure construction project has become more and more popular in recent years, and the problems to be paid attention to in the construction process are particularly important. Generally, many safety problems can be avoided only by the fol...
What are the multiple applications of color steel room?
The steel structure engineering takes the color steel plate as the primary structure, which is a relatively common and highly concerned building structure. Many buildings have participated in the steel structure engineering, such as the Oriental gate...
Advantages of steel workshop building
As China is developing faster and faster, the plants used for production and storage are becoming larger and larger. In order to meet the synchronous operation of operators and machines, enterprises have gradually increased the area requirements of p...
Steel frame warehouse has become the main structure of logistics storage
With the development and growth of the logistics industry, steel frame warehouses are also constantly being upgraded. The function of many traditional warehouses is increasingly unable to meet the rapid development of the logistics industry, and the ...
Analysis on characteristics and application of single story steel structure workshop
Single storey steel structure factory building refers to an industrial factory building with one floor and steel structure as the main body. Single storey steel structure workshops are often used in factories with large machinery and equipment or hea...
Application of agricultural steel buildings
Agricultural facilities are an important material foundation for rural economic and social development and the improvement of agricultural production and life. In recent years, with the rise of agricultural factories and the acceleration of agricultu...
What is the difference between a prefabricated steel warehouse and a traditional concrete warehouse?
As a basic storage facility, the warehouse is a place to store materials. In order to cope with the different demand for storage buildings in the market, steel structure warehouse and concrete warehouse have become the two most popular warehouse stru...
How to ensure the construction quality of steel structure workshop
Today, with the rapid development of science and technology and the high development of economic construction, the quality of construction projects is related to the development of the national economy and the safety of people's lives and properties....
Structural steel fabricators tell you the advantages and disadvantages of the steel structure workshop
The use of steel structure building is now in the market more and more frequently, because of its simple construction, build more quickly and in some plant in use is more, but everything has two sides, the steel structure workshop is no exception, it...
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Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結構有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號
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