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Structural design knowledge: Multilayer Steel plant layout which provisions?

Time:[2015-1-24]  Hits:4761

Structural design knowledge: Multilayer Steel plant layout which provisions?

What Multilayer Steel plant layout requirements?
A planar complex shape, the various parts of the framework of the large difference in height or floor loads differ markedly, should be set shockproof seam or take other measures. When set to shock the seam, slit width of not less than 1.5 times the corresponding concrete structure housing.
2 heavy equipment should be arranged low.
3 When the weight of the device directly borne by the foundation, and the device vertically through the floor when required, should be separated from the plant floor devices. Aperture equipment and floor between the slit width of not less than shock.
Equipment across four floors should not shock seam layout; when transport, pipelines and other equipment must cross the shock long seam layout, the equipment should have the ability to adapt when the earthquake structural deformation or fracture prevention measures.
Work platform structure and plant framework should be adopted within five factories disengaged shock seam layout. When connected with the structure of the whole plant, and the plant should be corresponding floor elevation of the platform frame structure consistent elevation.

Copyright:佛山市勝邦鋼結(jié)構(gòu)有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粵ICP備13078463號
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